Time lapse of Spanbroekmolen remaining mine crater of World War One battle of Messines, located near Wijtschate village, Heuvelland

(Browse the collection : West Flanders Province time lapse and video stock footage)

The Spanbroekmolen Mine Crater, also known as Lone Tree Crater, is the site of the largest of 19 mines blown by the British Army in the early hours of the morning of 7 June 1917. This signalled the launch of the Battle of Messines.

(Great War)

The Pool of Peace (or Lone Tree Crater) in Wijtschate is now a peaceful reminder of the great Mine Battle of June 1917. The opening of the offensive was marked by the detonation of 19 deep mines under the German lines between Ploegsteert and Hill 60. The explosions formed enormous craters in the landscape. The largest and most impressive crater is the Pool of Peace. It is 12 meters deep and has a diameter of 129 meters.

(Flanders Fields)

Suddenly at dawn, as a signal for all of our guns to open fire, there rose out of the dark ridge of Messines and ‘Whitesheet’ and that ill-famed Hill 60, enormous volumes of scarlet flame […] throwing up high towers of earth and smoke all lighted by the flame, spilling over into fountains of fierce colour, so that many of our soldiers waiting for the assault were thrown to the ground. The German troops were stunned, dazed and horror-stricken if there were not killed outright. Many of them lay dead in the great craters opened by the mines.

(Amusing Planet)

File names, codec and sizes




Mov ProRes 422 HQ

Mov ProRes 422 HQ

H264 Mp4

249 Mo

946 Mo

14,4 Mo

Additional information

Type of shot

Static time lapse


FHD 1920×1080, UHD 3840×2160, WEB 1080×720

Frame rate

25 fps



Year captured


Year published



Commercial use on demand, Editorial use


Thierry Provost

Time lapse clips are made of hundreds of still images shot every two or three seconds during a period of at least ten minutes, depending on the wanted length of the clip and the interval of seconds itself. Traffic passing by, clouds bubbling up, sunsets,... will offer the motion that brings life to the landscape as well as emotional and mesmerising impact. Undesired objects might often interfere in this creative proccess. Whether you are focusing a scenery in the city or in the nature, flying birds or insects will render small black dots which can ruin the experience visually. This unpredictible issue might sometimes affect a bench of images, not only one here or an other over there. When so many are concerned, retouching frame by frame will then make the workflow painfull. Remember also : from a photographic point a view, everything is set up manually. So, most of the time the light may change dramatically in short intervalls. Again specific adjusments in postproduction will be achieved in order to decrease the gaps of luminance, or even the change of contrast or color tone. Such variations are softened by the natural perception of your eyes and the interpretation by the brain. However the camera render them in a more brutal way, this is why in-depth editing, with the right tools, will apply. For the same reason, if a sequence is shot with a telelens, or from a bridge, imperceptible shaky moves will be noticable when replaying the clip. The cleaning part of time lapse making process is awaited to raise the value of the work, and to make the final video simply nicer to watch.

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World War One Flanders Fields : Spanbroekmolen Crater Pool of Peace - static time lapse
  • File name : pool01
  • Free watermark version
  • Duration : 11'
  • Special size on demand
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