Autumn mood dolly shot in Bruges : a stone throw from center, the Princely Beguinage Ten Wijngaerd is one the most peaceful place in the city

(Browse the collection : Bruges cityscape time lapse and video stock footage)

Bruges’ begijnhof, a self-contained cluster of houses built around a central garden and church, provides a tranquil haven amid the surrounding city. The begijnhof opens at the crack of dawn, creating a meditative sense of piety that was prominent in Bruges’ medieval culture.


The princely beguinage De Wijngaard still bears witness to the religious life. The large lawn is covered with hundreds of daffodils in spring. Sunlight is filtered through dozens of stately trees. The sober inner gardens of almshouses de Meulenaere, Sint-Jozef and De Vos used to be the place where poor elderly women could dry their laundry and plant some flowers. The Minnewater is the ‘mythical’ place where water enters the city and feeds the world-famous canals of Bruges.

(Garden Heritage Network)

A place of liberation and beauty, a visit to the Beguinage provides unique insight into 17th century living and an understanding of equality and the pursuit of a resolute life.

(Visit World Heritage)

File names, codec and sizes




Mov ProRes 422 HQ

Mov ProRes 422 HQ

H264 Mp4

398 Mo

 1,55 Go

22,8 Mo

Additional information

Type of shot

Dolly shot real time


FHD 1920×1080, UHD 3840×2160, WEB 1080×720

Frame rate

25 fps



Year captured


Year published



Editorial use only


Thierry Provost

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Bruges Beguinage in fall : lights and shadows in a heaven of peace - dolly shot real time
  • File name : bru201106_007
  • Free watermark version
  • Duration : 18'
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